
An Interview with Vernon Poole on Cyber Security Culture

It’s an exciting concept and one that many people don’t grasp. All organisations today can potentially fall victim to a cyber-attack or cyber security outage, which can cause severe damage to its ability to operate and its infrastructure. It’s more than just cyber security awareness; it requires the whole workforce to know what the risk is and the processes that need to be followed to avoid this risk.


What Does a Security Operations Centre Do?

Defining a clear strategy when establishing an organisation’s SOC helps to align business goals. Developing the strategy using an assessment is the best way to identify gas and potential vulnerabilities.

After this assessment, the team can create a clear, comprehensive set of processes, helping to guide the SOC team in operating, monitoring, detecting, responding and reporting as suggested above.

As a result of the fluid and ever-evolving threat landscape, this strategy will need reviewing periodically, helping to keep ahead of any new emerging risks and vulnerabilities.


ISO 27001 Certification: Now is the Time to Consider the Benefits

ISO 27001 is a standard set out by the International Standards Organisation that helps your organisation to manage the security of your information assets (electronic/paper, reputational, applications, infrastructure, third parties, etc.). Additionally, the certification helps organisations formulate an Information Security Management System (ISMS) to mitigate the growing number of information and cyber attacks.


Supporting others to become cyber resilient

At Sapphire, we believe that bringing and working together with people of all backgrounds can help us generate ideas or perspectives that aid the delivery of our innovative services. Hosted by the SBRC (Scottish Business Resilience Centre), the Scottish Cyber Awards celebrate innovation and cybersecurity achievement. Sapphire sponsored the Diversity Champion award in which colleagues in public, private and charity sectors showcased their important work.


Threat Intelligence vs Threat Hunting

A threat hunting service uses gathered and processed intelligence to carry out a thorough, system-wide search for specific threats. In simple terms, threat hunting is the process of proving or disproving hypotheses of identified threats across an organisation’s environment. One example of threat hunting would be a threat hunter team – using indicators of compromise (IOCs) to begin investigating evidence of a threat actor’s activity within an organisation’s network.  


How do Endpoint Security Solutions Secure Data?

When a device connects to business networks, cybercriminals may use this connection to compromise corporate data and put the network at risk. This means that these endpoint devices need to be fully secured to prevent any potential incidents from happening. To do this, organisations must ensure that they are utilising appropriate solutions to protect the front line of their cybersecurity