Identity & Access Management

Reclaim Control with Sapphire’s Intelligent Identity and Access Management for Modern Enterprises

Mass remote working has loosened the already fragile hold security teams had on monitoring and managing access to enterprise applications, services, tools and information. With more dynamic workforces, organisations are faced with increasingly difficult choices to stop unauthorised access attempts.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) helps security teams intelligently and simply provisioning, de-provisioning and managing users at the enterprise scale. Leveraging intelligent solutions streamline authentication risk and create tailored policies based on user data and other contextual information.

IAM for Remote Work

Enhanced Access Control

Dynamic Workforce Security

Enterprise-Scale Management

Trusted Authentication Platform


Allow your organisation to securely embrace contemporary workforce trends such as flexible working, remote teams, rapid on-boarding and specialist consultants without sacrificing risk reduction.

Ensure access to business-critical information and infrastructure, such as Active Directory, is tightly managed by role and privileges to prevent targeted attacks

Generate simple reports to ensure employees are complying with policies or assist forensic investigations.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a collective term that covers the processes, policies, and products that are used to manage user identities and regulate user access in an organisation.

“Access” and “user” are vital identity management concepts. Access refers to the actions permitted to a user. For example, permission to view, create or change a file. Users can be your employees, suppliers, partners, contractors, and even consumers.

Identity Management Systems automate the above by performing three critical tasks: identify, authenticate, and authorise access to an organisation’s hardware and software. There are typically three core components:

  • The database containing users’ identities and access privileges
  • IAM tools for creating, modifying, monitoring, and deleting access privileges
  • A system for auditing login history and access history
  • Identity and Access Management solutions streamline IT workload by centralising privileges and policies
  • IAM improves the user experience. For example, Single Sign-On can help bring significant UX benefits to enable a culture of security.
  • IAM helps in compliance. Regulations such as GDPR and HIPAA are easier to address with a solid identity management solution.
  • IAM solutions enhance productivity by making it easier for staff to embrace collaborative tools.

Many specialists recommend that Privilege Access Management (PAM) and Identity Management work hand in hand. While Identity Management systems give administrators permission to modify a user, reinforce policies, and create usage reports, Privilege Access Management places the emphasis on securing access to privileged accounts operating critical system tools.

To regulate risky employee activity
An IAM solution provides assurance that only certain employees can take actions in particular applications to strengthen security and operational programs. With an Identity and Access Management system, you can set parameters to detect suspicious communication or user activity that might otherwise go undetected.

To reinforce policy
An identity management solution protects your organisation against security incidents by allowing administrators to automate the deployment of policies for user account-related tasks.

To meet compliance
Identity management solutions can help your organisation comply with industry regulation in a way that gives full audit evidence of user activity.

To save costs
IAM solutions with minimal customisation requirements and license management capabilities can save organizations up to 60% in the total cost of ownership.